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Believe it or not, right now I work on a "pay what you think it is worth" basis. Why? Well, for lots of reasons actually… Because I have the most fun when I have a camera in my hand... Because I truly enjoy helping people capture their memories… Because this is a part-time gig for me… But mainly because I am still learning and growing as a photographer. Let me tell you more...
First, we'll talk by email so I can get to know you, your preferred location, who will be in the photo with you and what the occasion is. My goal is to spend 1-2 fun hours with you on a shoot. Then, I will provide you with 20-35 high resolution images suitable for printing, along with low-resolution, watermarked copies of those images suitable for posting to the web (i.e. Facebook). Now, I've looked around and most photographers charge $100-$150 for this. Trust me, a professional photo shoot is well worth this price!! These very talented artists spend a great deal of time and effort to hand over quality images to you. Seriously, if you want professional images, with guaranteed results, then by all means I would recommend any number of great photographers in the Moncton area.
But, if you want to take a chance, spend 1-2 hours and see what you get, then give me a try. If I show you the proofs and you can't find 20-35 images that suit your fancy, then the only thing each of us is out is our time. You can hire another photographer and I will have gained experience. A fair trade-off I think. Now, if you like what you see, you can "pay what you think they are worth". You're happy! I'm happy! All I ask is that you consider 2 hours of my time on location, a number of hours editing and my investment in my equipment. Oh, and I also ask in return for you to allow me to post your photos on my website. (Now... fair's fair. If you say you don't like the images, you don't get copies, OK?)
Now... this offer will not last forever. With all this practice I just might get real good and start charging a regular fee!
Believe it or not, right now I work on a "pay what you think it is worth" basis. Why? Well, for lots of reasons actually… Because I have the most fun when I have a camera in my hand... Because I truly enjoy helping people capture their memories… Because this is a part-time gig for me… But mainly because I am still learning and growing as a photographer. Let me tell you more...
First, we'll talk by email so I can get to know you, your preferred location, who will be in the photo with you and what the occasion is. My goal is to spend 1-2 fun hours with you on a shoot. Then, I will provide you with 20-35 high resolution images suitable for printing, along with low-resolution, watermarked copies of those images suitable for posting to the web (i.e. Facebook). Now, I've looked around and most photographers charge $100-$150 for this. Trust me, a professional photo shoot is well worth this price!! These very talented artists spend a great deal of time and effort to hand over quality images to you. Seriously, if you want professional images, with guaranteed results, then by all means I would recommend any number of great photographers in the Moncton area.
But, if you want to take a chance, spend 1-2 hours and see what you get, then give me a try. If I show you the proofs and you can't find 20-35 images that suit your fancy, then the only thing each of us is out is our time. You can hire another photographer and I will have gained experience. A fair trade-off I think. Now, if you like what you see, you can "pay what you think they are worth". You're happy! I'm happy! All I ask is that you consider 2 hours of my time on location, a number of hours editing and my investment in my equipment. Oh, and I also ask in return for you to allow me to post your photos on my website. (Now... fair's fair. If you say you don't like the images, you don't get copies, OK?)
Now... this offer will not last forever. With all this practice I just might get real good and start charging a regular fee!